Tag: Blog Challenge

I am so excited to share with you, my Therapist Blogging interview with Sindee Gozansky. In this podcast episode with Sindee, I talk about my expertise in building successful private[...]

Therapy versus coaching is one of the most hotly contested topics in counselling and psychotherapy online groups. As a psychotherapist and a twice certified coach, I was shocked to see[...]

Do you want to build a thriving practice whilst supporting National Psychotherapy Day? Then my Therapist Blog Challenge is for you! National Psychotherapy Day writes, “Psychotherapy has an image problem.”[...]

Mental health treatment in Australia is dominated by the medical model via the Medicare Better Access Mental Health Plan system. Many potential clients aren’t aware of their choices in regards[...]

The purpose of this post is to educate the public about why psychotherapy (or therapy or counselling) is needed now more than ever. I’d love to see some super-duper, cheer[...]

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