Author: Jodie Gale

On the surface, Stutz is a documentary about therapy tools. Dig a little bit deeper – it is actually a documentary about the love between therapist and client. If you[...]

Welcome to my guest post series: A Day In Private Practice. Meet Hobart Registered Counsellor, Karen Grant. Karen Grant is a Registered Counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association. In addition to[...]

The Inner Child Trauma Course, Psychosynthesis training and workshops are continued professional development for psychotherapists, counsellors, social workers, psychologists, mental health workers, psychiatric nurses and alternative health practitioners. Participants are[...]

Focus On Your Website: 5 Steps To Help Your Private Practice Thrive! If you are just starting out in a private counselling practice or perhaps growing your practice, you might[...]

I’m just going to start by acknowledging how odd this endeavor is, a patient making a movie about his therapist, Stutz. But my life has gotten immeasurably better, as a[...]

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