Welcome to my guest post series: A Day In Private Practice. Meet Jezey and Matt Wolf, Equine Assisted Counsellors.
Wolf Pack Health and Wellness is the brainchild and passion project of Jezey and Matt Wolf. It was born out of a desire to help more people connect with nature and tap into their best, happiest and most at peace selves.
As passionate horse people, the team realised that time in nature and time with horses has incredible healing power for the mind, body and soul and are dedicated to helping as many men, women, and children connect with the earth and access the power of horses as healers. A wide array of services and experiences are offered at the ranch, from Equine guided counselling and learning, to cold immersion and nature-based meditation etc., with the list set to expand throughout 2023.
Jezey, a wild spirit from rural QLD, spent years caught in the cycle of city life. As a high-level marketer, she worked with various brands and clients. Feeling different from others, she eventually discovered her unique gift of perceiving the world. Always drawn to animals, especially horses, she found solace in nature. Meeting her husband, Matt, led her back to Queensland, where her purpose became clear: helping others find peace through reconnecting with nature and horses. With a background in corporate life, she now passionately guides people of all ages to discover inner joy and true peace. Jezey holds a Bachelor of Communication, a Master of Marketing, a Graduate Diploma of Counselling and an in-progress Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy. She is a member of PACFA: The Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia.
Matt, a born-and-bred Queenslander, didn’t fit well into the traditional schooling system and left at an early age to start a life on the land. Guided by a seasoned drover, he spent six months working with cattle, finding solace in the rugged lifestyle. However, seeking better opportunities, he pursued agricultural studies, only to return to the family trade of boiler making. Amidst his metal industry job, Matt discovered MMA, which became his passion and led him to meet his future wife in Melbourne. Now based at Wolf Pack Ranch with Jezey and their children, Matt’s life is filled with animals and nature. From his experience working with disengaged youth, he found his true calling in helping others. Partnering with horses and the power of nature, Matt is dedicated to guiding young people towards their right path.
A Day in Private Practice with Jezey and Matt Wolf
5:30: Wake Up and Ice Baths
Get up and get breakfast started and coffee on; while these things are happening, it’s outside to feed chickens, dogs and house pig (Oden).
Back inside for that now much-needed coffee, start making kids’ lunches and set up our littlest with his breakfast and something to keep him occupied for five minutes so we can sneak in an ice bath. We ice bath every morning; at 6 deg for 4-6 min, followed by body novel movement to warm up and get the system flowing and some morning sun exposure.
If the mornings are going well (and with kids, every morning is different), we will have time for some meditation, pulling a card etc., which is always such a beautiful start to the day.
7:30: School Drop Off
Get kids off to school and back to the ranch, get out with the herd and for a quick clean of the paddocks, ready for clients and to spend time with each horse ensuring they’re well and getting some personalised love and attention.
8:30: Check-in and Get Started
We will have a quick check-in with each other and what’s on for the day, and ourselves to ensure we are feeling our best for the day and ahead and notice any messages coming from our bodies.
From here, we get into the work; sessions vary from equine-assisted to nature-based or simply walking and talking – our client’s needs guide us. Weather permitting, we are almost always outdoors working, supported by the natural world to help our clients on their journeys.
We will sometimes also have small groups or online sessions running as well.
12.00: Lunch
We try to ensure we allow some time during the day to stop for lunch – properly stop. However this is often a quick bite to eat while we check emails, respond to missed calls or fill hay nets and water troughs!
1:00: Afternoon Sessions and Farm Chores
Once our afternoon sessions are completed, it’s time for family pickups and afternoon feeds for the horses. We will also do other farm chores while the kids play –from cleaning paddocks and watering the orchard to dropping some molasses treats to the buffalo and cows.
5.30: Family Dinner and Bed-Time Routine
We generally all head inside around 5:30 / 6 pm; we get dinner on, the kids showered, and all sit down to dinner together around 6:30. Family dinners are a must for us; it’s a chance to check in on each other’s day and share a laugh, tell stories and share lessons. With a toddler in the house who is almost ready for bed, it is also the perfect time for a meltdown or two.
After dinner, it’s time for clean-up and some stories. After this, our littlest get cuddled to sleep, the older kids enjoy some TV time with the other parent, and then they’re off to bed too.
8.30: Spending Time Together as a Couple
This time of night varies; we might read together, do some study if we are in a course at the time, or do any admin catchup needed, or at least a few nights a week, we kick back with an episode of something for an hour. It’s not the most romantic of couple time, but we are firm believers in the idea that quality couple time doesn’t have to be big or fancy, that a couch snuggle and shared laugh at a bad show is a great way to spend time together.
9.00: Feeding the Pets and Bed-Time
It’s time to settle for bed, the cats get fed, the two inside dogs are relaxed and fed, and then it’s time for us to climb into bed too – we usually have a chat around now about something random or interesting and drift off ready for a toddler to climb into the bed in an hour or two!
Connect with Jezey and Matt Wolf