Category: Highlights

I am super excited to bring this interview with Lindley Ashline to you. Lindley is the go-to for all things body liberation and she has some wonderful advice here for[...]

This blog is part of my Therapy Rooms Series (Home Office, Online Office, Outdoor Office & Therapy Offices). For 20 years I have worked out of a home office therapy[...]

What is Psychotherapy?  In What is Psychotherapy? I dive deep with Certified Transactional Analyst, Jo Frasca. This episode will help clients suffering with attachment, interpersonal and complex trauma learn more[...]

As a Master’s qualified psychotherapist and twice certified coach, in this article, I write about everything you need to know about the differences between therapy and coaching. The coaching industry[...]

Mental health treatment in Australia is dominated by the medical model via the Medicare Better Access Mental Health Plan system. Many potential clients aren’t aware of their choices in regards[...]

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