What is Psychotherapy?
In What is Psychotherapy? I dive deep with Certified Transactional Analyst, Jo Frasca. This episode will help clients suffering with attachment, interpersonal and complex trauma learn more about how to find a properly trained psychotherapist, what happens in psychotherapy and how it works. This episode is also a wonderful resource for mental health professionals to learn more about therapy and how it works differently to counselling, social work, psychology and coaching.
Jo Frasca is in private practice in Sydney Australia working with adults, adolescents and couples. She works within the relational psychoanalytic frame and is a trained Certified Transactional Analyst. She works with transference and countertransference, family of origin and early attachment concepts. She is interested in public education on the differing professional services offered for emotional and mental health and training standards for psychotherapy. Jo has published one book, Delving Deeper, and about to publish a second with Routledge.
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