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Category: Psychotherapy

As a psychotherapist who has worked with daughters of the narcissistic family system for over 20 years, one of my go-to books on narcissism is, The Narcissistic Family: Diagnosis and[...]

Do you want to become a psychotherapist? This blog will provide you with 40+ therapeutic modalities to help you decide which training to participate in. Some are standalone in-depth psychotherapy[...]
- CATEGORIES: Highlights, Psychotherapy, Workshops for Therapists

This is the replay of the live ZOOM Q&A with PACFA CEO, Johanna de Wever, to discuss the recently announced National Standards project for Counselling and Psychotherapy and what it[...]

On the surface, Stutz is a documentary about therapy tools. Dig a little bit deeper – it is actually a documentary about the love between therapist and client. If you[...]
- CATEGORIES: Article, Highlights, Psychotherapy, Therapist Life
- Movie Therapy, Psychotherapy, Therapist Life

I’m just going to start by acknowledging how odd this endeavor is, a patient making a movie about his therapist, Stutz. But my life has gotten immeasurably better, as a[...]
- CATEGORIES: Highlights, Psychotherapy, Therapist Life
- Psychotherapy, Therapist Life, Watch