Category: Highlights

Reframing the Narrative Around Clients in Fat Bodies Therapists play a crucial role in challenging weight-centric narratives and supporting clients in fat bodies with compassion and respect. The recent proposal[...]

Should I Study Counselling or Psychotherapy? As a Private Practice Business Coach and Clinical Supervisor with training in Social Work, Counselling, and Psychotherapy, I’m often asked, “Should I train in[...]

As a long-term Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) member (after transferring from CAPA NSW) and more recently a volunteer for the College of Psychotherapy, I’m always surprised when[...]

This blog is about Reframing Cancellation Policies in Psychotherapy: A Therapeutic Opportunity On social media in therapist Facebook groups, cancellation policies are often viewed as practical tools designed to safeguard[...]

This post is about How to Choose a Good Private Practice Business Coach for Counsellors & Psychotherapists. Building a thriving private practice as a counsellor or psychotherapist can be a[...]

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