A Day in Private Practice: Meet Gestalt Therapist, Counsellor and Art therapist Carmel Catanuto

Welcome to my guest post series: A Day In Private Practice. Meet Gestalt Therapist, Counsellor and Art therapist Carmel Catanuto

Gestalt therapist Carmel Catanuto runs a busy private practice in Sydney. She is currently studying for her Masters in Gestalt and balances her work life. She is a clinical member of PACFA and GANZ.

Carmel shares her time with family and friends and enjoys art as an avenue to express herself. She’s into upcycling furniture, dance and art. Cuddles from her Norwegian Forest rescue cat is a favourite morning ritual.

A Monday in Private Practice with Carmel Catanuto

6.30am – Starting the Day

There’s a lot of sitting at my job. It’s important to start the day with exercise or movement. Cardio workout stretches or walking. Getting the muscles going and working up a sweat makes me feel alive. A hearty breakfast follows my gourmet selection of a poached egg with smoked trout and sauteed spinach on some seeded sourdough.

8.30am – Preparing for the Day

I enjoy admin, when I’m organised and have some framework and structure I can then allow creativity to flow. This time is a mix of checking emails, social media posts and checking appointments for the next day. I always have a handwritten to-do list and enjoy the strike-through and highlight when I’ve completed tasks.

9.00am to 7.00pm – Clients & Supervision

My Monday starts with a supervision session. Supervision, personal therapy and ongoing professional development I value as I work from a heart space. Gestalt therapy is relational and clients feel the trust and authenticity when in a session. The Gestalt approach is working in the ‘here and now’ and supports clients’ healing. They get to have a unique experience that’s supportive.

I work with adult men and women. Life events such as relationship changes trigger depression and anxiety in some clients I work with. Some clients experience loss of identity and self-confidence from losing a loved one. I am privy to witness bravery and courage with the short term and long-term clients I see. It’s difficult sitting in the chair.

I get ready for clients, set up the space, and bring out creative tools such as A3 drawing paper, crayons, cards, collage, dolls/figurines for constellation work. Sometimes the use of art may arise in session and I’ll invite clients to experiment with what’s emerged. Client sessions are 60 minutes and I leave time in-between clients for notes and some stretching.

The day flies, and before I know it, it’s the evening.

7.15pm – Home Time

A Saturday morning ritual is to visit my local farmer’s market. It’s a pleasure to whip up a delicious stir-fry for dinner. In downtime mode and dependent on energy levels, there’s an array of choices; tidy up, do some art, watch some TV, journal or read.

10pm – Bedtime

Bedtime is 10.00 pm ready to do it all again the next day.

Connect with Carmel



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Picture of Jodie Gale

Jodie Gale

Jodie Gale MA. is the founder of The Psychosynthesis Centre, Trauma Warriors TM, The Soul Sessions with Jodie Gale Podcast and Jodie Gale Soul Centred-Therapy for Women. She is a on the College of Psychotherapy Leadership Team at PACFA, is a Clinical Supervisor, Private Practice Business Coach, Trainer, Facilitator & an Eco-Psycho-Spiritual Registered Clinical Psychotherapist® on the Northern Beaches of Sydney & online. Jodie has 20+ years of experience in private pay, private practice and has built 2 thriving practices - in London and then home in Sydney, Australia. Jodie is passionate about putting the soul back in to therapy!
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